Thanks, I liked this weblog post. I found this site using AOL search engine , furthermore sure enjoyed reading over it, so I'll most likely come by over soon as satisfactorily as read up on what's new Fabulous Piece of writing!
Before I go, let me thank you for your understanding with my English as (I'm persuaded you have figured this at this time ,), English is not my primary tongue as a result I am using Google Translate to shape out how to write what I truly wish to say.
The Gardens
hehe nice try...;)
but not even close...;p
Queensbay Mall!
Tester - salah!
Sir Ashcroft - haha Penangites should know better
Wrong laa brother..;p
wa nk jwb bleh :p confirm btol la haha
Sir Ashcroft - haih...susah2 sgt jom la kite p Gurney
Ayda - haha...shuh Aida shuh...u r out of the league ;p
You're on.
sis! tudung itu sangat kewl!
beli mana ek?
nak jugak! =)
Thanks, I liked this weblog post. I found this site using AOL search engine , furthermore sure enjoyed reading over it, so I'll most likely come by over soon as satisfactorily as read up on what's new Fabulous Piece of writing!
Before I go, let me thank you for your understanding with my English as (I'm persuaded you have figured this at this time ,), English is not my primary tongue as a result I am using Google Translate to shape out how to write what I truly wish to say.
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